How to Prepare for Virtual “Zoom” Sorority Recruitment in 2021

Yikes. Zoom is the worst. Anyone else?

First, I want to say that I’m bummed and a little heartbroken for my girls who are going to be maneuvering recruitment from a laptop in their dorm rooms. It seems undoable—the idea of communicating who you are to the constantly-changing faces on your computer screen in ten minutes or less. And how will you even get a feel for who the sororities are and how well you’ll fit in?

Well, here’s the good news: sororities have been doing recruitment for a lifetime. They’ve gotten used to the ebb and flow of the constantly changing world. They’ve had to adjust and adapt before. They’ve changed venues, they’ve been limited by outfit requirements and restrictions, and they’ve been forced to meet new rules and regulations instigated by new Panhellenic leaders. They don’t want to do recruitment online, but they will—and it will probably be as loud and as grand as those movies and TV shows depict rush to be: The House Bunny, Greek, and my favorite—Legally Blonde.

So how do you prepare for recruitment via Zoom? What do you do?

How to Prepare for Virtual “Zoom” Sorority Recruitment

Here are a few tips to help you get through:

1. Wear a cute outfit.

You might feel like you can get away with just an adorable top, some simple jewelry, and a flawless face of Bare Minerals and mascara. While it’s always possible that you won’t be asked to do something embarrassing, like stand up and spin, you will feel much more comfortable preparing for the worst. However, heels are certainly not necessary.

2. Ensure your dorm room is clean, your bed is made, and you’re sitting upright at a desk.

As tempting as it may be to lounge all day in bed, you have to think about what doing so will communicate: you’re lazy, you don’t care about recruitment, you don’t care about the sorority you are talking to. These are all bad messages, and it’s best to avoid them if you can.

3. Put away the gum, food and water while you’re on camera.

I am not encouraging you to deprive yourself of water; I’m simply suggesting you hydrate in-between meetings.

4. Don’t talk about COVID unless they bring it up.

It’s already the worst that COVID stole the normal recruitment process from us. Don’t let it taint the mood or turn the conversation into one about the pandemic. Rush is a time in which girls want to focus on hope and the future.

5. Try to be as memorable as possible.

It’s going to be difficult to communicate who you are through a computer screen, but the good news is that you can actually have a few reminders of conversation-starters handy around your dorm room. Make every sentence count, show genuine interest in the girl you are talking to and her sorority, and don’t be afraid to show your personality and be goofy!

6. Don’t complain!

It might feel natural to harp on how different the process could have been if COVID didn’t exist, but try to make the most out of it. If a sorority girl asks how you’re liking the process so far, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to say something like, “I’m an extroverted introvert, so honestly, I’ve never been better. This is kind of my dream scenario!”

7. Don’t move around a lot.

Moving your computer can make the girls on the other end of the Zoom dizzy and distracted. Do yourself a favor: sit still, unless they ask to see your room (be prepared for this as well).

These simple steps can make a world of difference when it comes to rushing during a pandemic. And don’t forget rule number 8: Smile.


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